Housekeeping­ I know it sucks, but who doesn't like a clean house? 

Hero Call Contest ­ Admissions are in.  I will be reviewing them all and will announce the winner on next week's broadcast! You know why? Everybody loves a winner! Good luck to all that entered! 

BDR will be on Blog Talk Radio as of this episode! Yep people, I didn't think it was possible either.  

First Paid sponsor in the works, and it's pretty freaking cool.  Stay tuned.  

A new segment is coming to the BDR universe soon. “Meatheads on Comic Movies” It'll be worth a listen.  We ain’t just all looks people, we have serious Geek cred.     

DC subscription box opening; what you’re getting for your bi­-monthy fee   


*Darth Vader #17 (7.5)  

*Batman/TMNT (7.0) 

*Mighty Thor #5 (8.5) 

*Old Man Logan #3 (7.5)  

*Black Widow #1 (9.0) BDR Pick of the week!  

INDIE CORNER (I review indie books that ROCK!)

*The Silence #1 (8.5)  

*Ashes #1 (7.0)     

Please visit these Social media outlets for more BDR debauchery 

? [email protected]  


? [email protected]  



? Email me: [email protected]


 Blazing Defender signing off; “Rock out with your Nerd out”


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