It’s Duh January on the soaps this week, where all the characters swear to do nothing but make dumb decisions all week long. On EastEnders, [...]

It’s Duh January on the soaps this week, where all the characters swear to do nothing but make dumb decisions all week long.

On EastEnders, the Herpaderp Saga of Derpy Tiff continues, and on Emmerdale, to exact revenge on Belle Dingle, Lachlan White tries to be a sneaky smartypants from inside the prison. (Hint, he fails). Coronation Street’s Tim makes everyone else look like geniuses by chasing after Dirty Duncan, and back across the pond, Ryan Chamberlain is poised to slip up in his murder spree.

Next time, the characters should just give up booze for a month instead.

Join us to chat about it all on The Soapy Madams Podcast!

Want more Soapy Madams? (‘course ya do)

We did an episode of Varmints on llamas and alpacas you can find here: Llamas and Alpacas – Varmints – 95,

and we joined Paul Hawkins for an episode of BlokeBuster’s to discuss the movie Soap Dish! Find that here: Ep 110: Soapdish or: Wow, What A Cast!!

Our intro music is by Jahzzar, our bed music is by Kevin MacLeod and Bird Creek. They are all wonderful so go check them out!

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