Heartaches & Gun Debates This week’s ONE DEEP TOPIC is the tragic mass shooting in Parkland, FL. This week’s Entertainment/Pop Culture topics include: the success [...]

Heartaches & Gun Debates

This week’s ONE DEEP TOPIC is the tragic mass shooting in Parkland, FL.

This week’s Entertainment/Pop Culture topics include: the success of “Black Panther,” Toy Story Land, new PEEPS flavors and Fergie’s Nation Anthem performance.

Find this week’s #PodernFamily shows on Twitter @FeastOnHist and @ShakenNotNerd.

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“Black Cat” by Janet Jackson. 1990 A&M Records. All Rights Reserved.

During Episode Excerpt:

“Heartbeats” by Jose Gonzalez. 2002 Rabid/V2 Records. All Rights Reserved.


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