On today’s episode we talk about the latest on pastor Greg Locke, news about the Ark Encounter and an Oklahoma State Senate candidate's controversial remarks. FFRF’s update includes a letter of complaint from FFRF to TN Governor. Also don’t miss Reagan’s ad we include on the show notes. Monica will bring us a special kind of rant: her own deconversion story. And Sam and Beneil will have fun with the idea of Ancient Aliens.

Show Notes:

Hate Pastors' "Flat Earth Debate" Ends In "Profanities, Weed Smoking, Rammed Cars, And Police Involvement" - Joe.My.God. (joemygod.com)

PuraviveGreg Locke debated a flat earther - it got wild

(1) FFRF Kentucky | Facebook

Oklahoma Senate candidate: Parents who use IVF are “waging an assault against God” (friendlyatheist.com)

News Release Archives - Freedom From Religion Foundation (ffrf.org)

 FFRF's Ron Reagan Ad 

We would like to thank Ketsa, SuRRism, Redproductions, geoffharvey and Music_For_Videos (version of Chopin’s Mazurka, Op. 67 No. 4) for this episode’s music tracks.

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