Welcome to the first podcast from Blake TV!

- Nicola Walker

Current job and place of employment
- Head of Collection Care and Access, The Whitworth Art Gallery, The University of Manchester

What did you study at sixth form or college?
- A levels – English, History, Art

Did you go to University or any other higher education institution? If so, where and what did you study?
- Manchester Polytechnic (now Manchester Metropolitan University), BA (Hons) Humanities and Social Studies (English, Art History)
- Gateshead Technical College (now University of Northumbria), DATEC Higher Diploma in Conservation of Fine Art (Prints and Drawings)

What was or who was the biggest influence on your choice of career?
- Being told by a tutor at Manchester that I didn’t have the right qualifications to go and train as a conservator – I thought, "Just you watch me!"

Any other comments?
- I grew up being surrounded by paintings at home and am very happy, and privileged, to work in such a wonderful environment.

Nicola comes from an artistic family, some of whom knew Blake personally! You can visit this website featuring work by her grandfather Bernard Fleetwood-Walker - http://www.fleetwood-walker.co.uk

Download the video interview with Nicola Walker