Our video interview with Jah Wobble (born John Wardle, in Stepney in 1958) English bass guitarist, singer, poet and composer. He became known to a wider audience as the original bass player in Public Image Ltd (PiL) in the late 1970s and early 1980s, but left the band after two years. Following his departure from PiL, he went on to a successful solo career. He also owns his own record company based in Stockport.

- Jah Wobble

Current job and place of employment
- Musician/Record Company Owner

What did you study at sixth form or college?
- N/A

Did you go to University or any other higher education institution? If so, where and what did you study?
- BA Hons Humanities at Birkbeck, University of London as a mature student

What was or who was the biggest influence on your choice of career?
- Music just took me.

Download the video interview with Jah Wobble