A quick mini-episode (which I believe the pros call a "minisode", so so will I) to cover off the end of the transfer window here. Andrew is away, and Ben guested on the 4 Blades In The Pub podcast which you should go and listen to for an in-depth discussion of the latest state of United and quite a bit more - but in the meantime, Ben gives a quick rundown of his thoughts now that the deadline has passed and the Blades have brought in Robin Olsen, Morgan Gibbs-White and Conor Hourihane.

Check out the latest episode of 4 Blades In The Pub if you'd like to hear more, available wherever you've got this very podcast. Thanks for listening, and UTB.

4 Blades In The Pub link here: https://soundcloud.com/user-50327909/four-blades-pod

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