We apologize in advance, but the podcast mixer went down at the end of this episode. We just started to tackle the questions and comments and then it shut us down. We'll be back strong for the 25th episode. But anyways, that being said…..this week on the B&S podcast, join us as we talk Transformers and other nerd news, including movies, tv, and comics. We take on some of our loyal listeners’ questions and comments. Enjoy!

0:00 Dick & Fart Jokes
1:00 Intros
6:35 Plugs, Shoutouts & Show Reviews
34:42 Hauls
44:10 Jefferson
52:40 Nerd News
2:16:10 E3
3:09:50 Fact or Fiction
3:11:10 80s Trivia
3:17:45 Toy News
3:53:50 Q&A
3:59:50 Episode 24 Craps Out