With a credo that states that every human has a divine natural potential that can be tapped into through education to make her/him the consumate human being and change agent that s/he can be. The Frator Heru Institute was established as an educational, scientific, charitable and social-change entity to address the myriad and multi-layered crises facing the Afro-American community by generating effective and strategic programs, projects and initiatives that promote self-development, stable families, communities and societies.


Many of the programs, projects and initiatives that the Frator Heru Institute currently engage in, began long before our formal incorporation in 2009. The original incarnation of the FHI began in Brooklyn NY in 1986, when then founder, Mr. Yumy Odom began the much needed process of developing models for community empowerment and growth through education. In 1988, Mr. Odom came to Philadelphia and began partnering with educational, community, social and religious organizations across the city to share the FHI initiatives. These educational initiatives pro-actively address concerns of personal, family and community development, and promote realistic and practical models to rectify those problem areas.

Now, twenty years after coming to Philadelphia, the FHI has established a board of Directors comprised of highly skilled individuals with a passion and commitment to community development; a list of qualified, dynamic instructors who come with years of experience in their chosen fields and a growing wave of support from community activists, residents and elected officials.
The only thing that's missing ... is YOU!