How to Obtain and Maintain your Credit Score as a business owner and consumer? If you even think you may have a credit issue I am THE PERSON to contact.

My ex-husband and I were featured in Essence magazine's November 2007 issue. I have extensive experience in real estate, although I began my professional career as a civil engineer. For the last 15 years I have helped create a highly successful business restoring homes.

As an investor I also knew that to sell a house, it was imperative that a person’s credit was up to par. That is why I initially became interested in credit restoration in the early 2000s. I always remember:

'No one wants to buy what you sell. What they want are the results they can achieve by utilizing what you sell to pursue their own goals and objectives.'

Therefore, with my vast knowledge in real estate transactions, wide circle of resources and my personal commitment to helping each person who has set a dream of home ownership or another goal, I will guide them each step of the way to help them achieve their dream.

I am a member of Jenkintown BNI (Business Network International). If you are a member also, please contact me. I definitely want to know who on Facebook is in my BNI family. Givers Gain!

That's my bio, but there is so much more to each of us! I discovered 'The Secret' in February 2007 and since consciously incorporating 'The Law of Attraction' in my life, I have been transformed.

Please e-mail me so we can meet 'personally'.

Check out my website and join my FB fan page for tips on what you need to know in today's ever changing credit climate.