In the United States, the timing of patent filings and public disclosure play a significant role in preserving your rights. Join Tom Dunlap as he discusses the pitfalls and crucial considerations regarding the protection of your innovative ideas and public disclosure.

Discover what constitutes public disclosure and the level of information necessary to enable someone to replicate your invention. From publishing on the web to sharing with manufacturers, Tom sheds light on how to navigate disclosure effectively. Learn why relying solely on NDAs and contracts may not be sufficient and explore alternative options such as filing a patent application, provisional applications, or leveraging the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) for global protection.

Don't let a simple disclosure jeopardize your inventive endeavors. Tune in to this episode of the Blackletter Podcast to gain valuable insights and ensure the security of your intellectual property. For further resources, visit our website at and make sure to follow the Blackletter Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts.