Blacker The Berry steps back into the wrestling world with none other than, Sir Wilkins,  from the Jobber Tears Podcast. We of course talk about professional wrestling which leads into a conversation about Sir Wilkins stepping into the squared circle for an independent match, and how Dean always thought he wanted to be a wrestler until he took one bump! After this they get into jiu jitsu. Dean tells a story about going against his friend Will on the mat, and how it didn’t end well for him. Sir Wilkins then tells a story about when he was a party promoter, and choked someone out in the club who was causing a disturbance. We then find out that Sir Wilkns was SHOT when he was 19 years old! This episode was shot directly after the capitol hill was stormed, and all three gentlemen of course gave their thoughts. This conversation goes into a political realm that a written description would not do it justice. Get ready folks because, nothing is safe, nothing is off limits, and nothing is sacred! Why? Because this is Blacker The Berry!




On Instagram:

You can check out Blacker The Berry at:Blacker The Berry (@theberrygang1) • Instagram photos and videos

You can check Dean out at: Dean (@berrygangdean) • Instagram photos and videos

You can check Los out at: 🐐🇬🇾🍒 (@berrygangloso) • Instagram photos and videos

You can check out Esteff at: Esteffany 🌻 (@ms_paulino) • Instagram photos and videos

You can check out Sir Wilkins: Sir Wilks (@sir_wilkins) • Instagram photos and videos

You can check out Jobber Tears Podcast: Jobber Tears Podcast (@thejobbertearspodcast) • Instagram photos and videos



Twitter: @theberrygang1