The title says it all, and it is something that legitimately could happen. If section 230 is repealed or revoked, it could mean massive damage for the “freedom of speech” on the internet. If we start making sites responsible for what they are allowed to be posted, and not the individual for posting them then we are in for a slippery slope in the internet. What one group says is misinformation, another group can say it’s gospel. At the end of the day it is not the responsibility of social media sites to fact check, or police language. It is up for the individual user to do that. If there is illegal activity, then absolutely cut down on that. If we are looking to make Big Tech the authority on what is right or wrong on the internet, we are going to be on the fast lane to communism in some way or another. Get it together, and fight back! Do not let Big Tech become the judge, jury, and executioner.