The title says it all. From Fox News pushing China and North Korea communist propaganda, Claire Lehman a Australian journalist making baseless accusations against Sha'carri Richardson,  Main Stream Media attempting to not give credibility to Dr. Malone ( inventor of MRNA vaccine technology ) saying that the vaccine is not truly safe and more test need to be done, and then finding out Big Pharma funds 75% of the FDA's Drug Review budget- we have to ask ourselves why? Why are we as Americans okay with the lies that are being spun in our face? The propaganda that is being pushed to ourselves and children. Question EVERYTHING! Even this video!  

. . At 33:10 we have a minor visual mishap that comes back live at 34:05.  



 . Sources:  

North Korea Defector Comments On US Olympian Protest:

Claire Lehman Twitter Comments:  

Dr. Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, & Dr.Bret Weinstein COVID Vaccine Video:  

FDA & Big Pharma Sources:

Twitter Mentions