The title says it all. This is the question that is consciously and subconsciously asked throughout the whole conversation. Why do we allow White Liberals such as Chris Cuomo to say "he's black inside" to a black news anchor, "calling an Italian American Fredo is like calling an African-American the n-word"? Why do we allow white liberals to hide behind the fact that they have supported racist policies against black people? Why does Black America allow President Biden to get away with saying "he learned about roaches in the ghetto"? Is it because they are a Democrat? Why do we as a whole, not just black people, allow Andrew Cuomo to stay in office after Democrats have said "Believe all women" when he currently has 8 allegations against him? Why is there such a glaring double standard within our political system no one wants to address. Andrew Cuomo can be attributed to the death of thousands of people in nursing homes, he has put countless lives at risk because of the Mario C. Cuomo bridge, and Dean wants to know why he is still in office? Dean wants to know why there is such a double standard for White Liberals when it comes to Black America, and Dean will be damned if he does not get his answers!




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