I'm not gonna lie, good food brings me joy! Should it though? Don't care. I refuse to even ruminate on this as I mentally plan my next meal. Food and I have been best pals for a minute and the only reason I'm sharing this personal TMI is to say - if I can fast, anyone can! Before adamantly rejecting the idea, know that fasting can take many forms outside of food. We're talking about any type of break (sex, drugs, rock n' roll, you name it) that's going to make you step back long enough to see it from a different perspective. When looking at the nature of fasting, it's the simple act of giving up something we enjoy in an effort to see that behavior, habit, mindset, or personal crutch with more clarity and a deeper understanding about why we are so attached to these things in the first place. Breaking old habits is the starting point to any real change, and fasting has been found to be the fast-track to helping that happen…