As active meditators, we can be quite comfortable alone or left to our own devices for long stretches of time. Solitude is no longer scary. The "need" for a romantic relationship can sometimes be replaced with personal fulfillment and a contentment with life just as it is. It's a pretty sweet place to be. While we look to stay focused on our areas of personal growth, is it fine to remain single and let that be where our time and energy is invested? If so, what happens if how we feel about our single status changes? For some of us, we reach a certain point in life where partnership becomes important (i.e. the desire for marriage and kids or even just to experience companionship). It is here that our personal growth may become tied to growing with someone else. With both options on the table, do we choose to remain single in an effort to maintain a deep and growing spiritual life or does our spiritual life become enhanced with the introduction of relationships...