Hey!!!! Welcome, Welcome, Welcome To BLACK TO THE FUTURE PODCAST! We are so pleased you could join us here today! On this podcast we will discussing various topics through a Black, Queer, Feminist Lens. Our goal is elevate, educate, and empower those of us in the Black Queer community, and also to help our supporters and allies to become more knowledgeable about what we need as far as support! 

On this episode, we are graced with the presence of a fellow sister, visual artist, & activist - Maroodi!! She comes onto the show to talk about her experience as a Black, Trans Woman, representing the Somali community and the Muslim faith. She clarifies so much misinformation and also talks about her viral sensation!!! Please follow & support the beginnings of her organization- LGBTQ Somalis.   

MAROODI ALI: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZTdQQp9gB/ (TIKTOK); https://www.instagram.com/maroodi_/?hl=en (INSTAGRAM); https://twitter.com/sharmuut0?s=21&t=1wQCN1DNkM5r7rrjVo5LoA https://www.instagram.com/ (TWITTER) maroodiarchives/?hl=en (VISUAL ART ARCHIVES);   

LGBTQ Somalis: https://www.instagram.com/lgbtq_somalis/?hl=en (INSTAGRAM); https://twitter.com/lgbtq_somalis?s=21&t=1wQCN1DNkM5r7rrjVo5LoA (TWITTER)  

SUPPORT BLACK TRANS WOMEN/FEMMES: https://gofund.me/0f1204cf   

BLACK TRANS THERAPIST: https://instagram.com/word2drnick?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= 

FOLLOW: Xay Dé - https://www.instagram.com/pinkpryncess_xay/ (INSTAGRAM) | https://twitter.com/PinkPryncessXay (TWITTER); Mikey (MAB) - https://www.instagram.com/bamgizmo/ (INSTAGRAM) | https://soundcloud.com/user-321866133 (SOUNDCLOUD)   

INTERACT: https://linktr.ee/blacktothefuturepodcast/

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