Introduction: Tell us a little about yourself? [Upbringing, Interest in Pan-African movement, any relevant/interesting background info, etc.]

Inspiration for Book of Power, and brief summary of concepts explained

Haiti Talk: Between the assassination of the president to now an earthquake, what’s next for Haitians? Is there a vested American interest in the island? What can we do, if anything, to help?

Economics Talk: With entities like the IMF ultimately in charge of currency and economic growth throughout the world is it possible for any African or any majority melinated nation, to break through the paradigm? Is there a serious lack of financial literacy among the black population, particularly our ppl in the US?

Are the perceived “Diaspora Wars,” serious or just a social media construct/psy-op? Can ADOS/FBA, AA, and Pan-Africans, Africans ever find a middle ground?

Wrap Up (plug business information, events, socials, etc.)

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