Monday, June 22nd 8:00PM Eastern/ 5:00PM Pacific

The Context of White Supremacy welcomes the return of Dr. Martin Kevorkian. A University of Texas Austin professor of English, Dr. Kevorkian authored the 2009 text, Color Monitors: The Blackface of Technology in America. The main theme of the text is that films and narratives like The Matrix and The Terminator franchises are metaphors for White anxiety about a loss of power to non-white people. Dr. Kevorkian has visited The C.O.W.S. many times over the years to dissect White Supremacist components to many films. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, many folks around the world have had more time to binge watch content. we selected a fresh batch of offerings. The recent protests against Racism and police killings of black people lifted The Hate U Give (book and film) back to relevance. It's daily cited as a work to help parents explain the current racial crisis to children. Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo (1984) is also referenced daily, although not as a tool to explain racial oppression. This 80's rap musical is cited constantly to help explain the "boogaloo" - a term used by a segment of White Supremacists to describe civil unrest and a failure of police and government systems. A number of Race Soldiers use the threat of an apocalyptic boogaloo to motivate gun and weapon stockpiling as well as combat training. Color Monitors spends a significant amount of time on Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator, so we'll see if last year's release, Terminator: Dark Fate, fits his analysis for the previous films in the series. The latest installment is set in Mexico, and features machines and White people risking their existence to save a Mexican female. Finally, we'll revisit the Netflix Black Mirror series. Gus could barely stomach one episode from the fifth season, so we'll focus on "Striking