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1st Topic.. “The Problem is not “he is not into you” its “you are not into you” !”Looking for 100 women to take the MMF mirror challenge. Are you seeing what you want to see - if not don't change mirrors change you? Improvement starts inside and shows up outside.

2nd Topic... Black Polls (Missing Pollsters) which examines the polls missing from the African American community. Trump and his pollsters suggest that African Americans have the lowest unemployment in decades. Our Answer - Prove it - at the Banks! We actually go out and perform our own polls and present our results on the show. We invite the Black and Educated to report from research findings etc.

3rd Topic... Money not just pieces of paper - where does Money come from?

Clarity Hotline – Men, Food & Money defies easy categorization…its novel, how-to manual, memoir, and a scorekeeping tool in its natural form. These conversation snippets turn simple dialogue into verbal marathons with listeners holding on to find out how to finish being his/her best self. “MMF” uses research tools and formulas to replace the casual comment!