What is being said here is about the idea of 'Republican Party' (NOT TALKING ABOUT PRESIDENT FOR LAST 4-YEARS), It is about idea of 'Democratic Party' AND 'Republican Party' not producing an environment where no one is mistreated, balance between individuals (Democracy). After examing idea of Democracy found Justice missing. Justice meaning no one mistreated and who needs help the most receives most constructive help in all areas of people activity including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, war.
Is everyone integrating into a burning socialization process (education system)? Everyone now debt slaves, psychologically, socially dominated and controlled (Consumers).
WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF JUSTICE NOT BEING PRODUCED? Question everything taught to believe, is it Truth? Real? OR Deception?
Some things taught to believe are False. Is this the cause of destructive relationships between most individuals?
The only thing to solve any major problem is Absolute Truth, the Source, some call God. Stay Tuned, share views [email protected] Thanks Kindly!