‘Intercoms’ is a work-in-progress series, aiming to launch live in the near future. These ‘Pre-Intercoms’ installments are pre-recorded interviews around 13th amendment-sanctioned prison slavery, its ramifications & organizing efforts against it.

In this discussion with Myra, Abolitionist & No New Jails organizer, we get at some of the particulars involved in a current campaign to raise bail & re-entry support funds for a mother facing abuse at the hands of rikers overseers.  Myra helps us get up to date on other recent & upcoming No New Jails efforts as well.

'I am confident that even though we're in this fight for the long haul, we are gonna just grow & people are recognizing that Abolition isn't just an idealist idea---it is something that we need to be working and striving toward.' -Myra

'Ms. T' Fundraising Page: http://bit.ly/NoNewJailsMsT

No New Jails NYC: https://nonewjails.nyc/

Please Support the Network:
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& Shouts to DOBE for all the intro/outro audio, more works here: https://soundcloud.com/rglb1