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By Scotty T. Reid - As a person who took leadership classes while in the US Army (87-92), held positions that gave me power and responsibility way above my rank, I can say Elizabeth Warren does not exhibit leadership qualities but rather as she said herself, "just a player in the game".

As she drops out of the race where she portrayed herself as a progressive running in the progressive lane, a leader would not need time to decide whether or not to support the progressive Sanders or the Neoliberal Joe Biden who wrote the bills protecting credit card companies and preventing students from discharging debt in bankruptcy she was so adamantly opposed.


This wasn't the first clue of her lack of leadership qualities. How do you co-sponsor Sanders's Medicare For All bill, come out making it part of your platform and then crumble when pressed on how to pay for it and not being able to say simply, a payroll tax and you would actually save more than you spending now? Then to bail on it for a "public option". That isn't leadership.


To say just last week, Bernie has been trying to push these progressive policies for decades and he hasn't been able to do it. That is saying to those with an ear to hear, I am not a fighter, I will quit when everyone is against me even when I'm standing on principles and morals. That's not leadership.


Then the biggest sign she was not a leader was her over and over talking about getting money out of politics and pledging to never allow a Super Pac to operate on her behalf but when she doesn't attract the small-dollar donations, she flip-flops and accepts Super Pac help to stay in the race through Super Tuesday. That is not leadership.


While I'm glad she dropped out, probably could not get any more Super Pac help after another poor showing on Super Tuesday, she said, I'm staying in it to get delegates and take them to a contested convention. She just said that last week and now she is dropping out