BTR News On The Black Talk Radio Network! Today's Date is December 28, 2020, and we invite you to tune in for the next 90 minutes of news, information, debate, your calls, and more...

COVID 19 Destroying Future Black Generations

On the last broadcast, I was discussing the harm COVID 19 is doing to people worldwide and particularly vulnerable populations in the nation hardest hit by the disease, the United States. I discussed the irresponsibility with those who have been undemocratically appointed leaders in the Black community espousing harmful conspiratorial commentary that isn't based on medical science but rather on fear and paranoia about the vaccine more than the disease it is meant to prevent.

An article on the topic of the COVID death rate in the African American community and the depopulation of a generation of young black men was recently published and is a good read. How many family and friends have you lost to the pandemic?

An early December Pew Research survey was conducted to see what groups were likely to take the vaccine vs those unlikely to get it.

Asian Americans and immigrants were the groups most likely to say they would receive the covid vaccine, Black Americans the unlikeliest. Now that thousands have received the vaccine with minimal side effects, will that sway any minds or no?


Trump Signs COVID Legislation Without $2,000 Stimulus Checks

True to his character, Trump plays games with people's lives and while pretending as he cared so much for the average families in the United States advocating for $1,400.00 more than the paltry $600 negotiated by the Trump administration, Republicans and Democrats. Trump threatened to veto the legislation over the issue but he signed it into law over the weekend. CNN reports on what is contained in the legislation.

DNA Identified Suspect In The Nashville RV Bombing

The thing that is odd to me about this story is that 63 yr old  Anthony Quinn Warner, was allegedly concerned about the US go