By Scotty T. Reid - Multibillionaire Michael Bloomberg was torched in the NBC Presidential Debate last night but he suffered his worst burns from Senator Elizabeth Warren and Senator Bernie Sanders who both went after his record on the alleged mistreatment of women in his employ and refusal to release women who had sued his company from their non-disclosure agreements so they can tell their truths. Senator Sanders went after Bloomberg for his racist comments and lies concerning the Stop & Frisk policy in New York City that targeted Black and Latino young men and teens.

However, a video has been unearthed that was recorded by Bermuda Broadcasting in March of 2019 at a forum where the former NYC Mayor stated that he could not win a national campaign unless he changed his political views and embarked on an apology tour. In a very arrogant manner, Bloomberg took shots at Joe Biden for apologizing for the 1994 Crime Bill which Biden never did and was just defending the harsh legislation last year, and Bloomberg also took shots at former presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke whom Bloomberg said apologized for being born.

Based on the 2019 clip of Bloomberg stating he would have to change his views in order to have a shot at becoming POTUS, does anyone today really trust that he has really changed his views or is he more likely to be saying what he thinks Democrats want to hear. He is running a very dishonest campaign with adverts featuring former President Obama saying nice things about him giving the appearance that Obama has endorsed him which he has not.

Could you imagine the accusations of fraud that would be thrown at the Sanders campaign if they used the video clip of Barack Obama endorsing Sanders in his 2006 Senate run in a campaign advertisement in 2020?

What if B