Previous Episode: #1070 – Rob Wilson
Next Episode: #1072 – Oliver Stone


Jim Gochenaur is a teacher from Seattle
He met and got to know Elmer Moore and Carver Gayton
Gayton's first position in the FBI was in Kansas city where he worked with James Hosty
Hosty told Gayton that Oswald was a paid informant
Gayton told Gochenaur that one of Malcolm X's bodyguards was a CIA agent
Carver Gayton was Gochenaur's landlord
Gochenaur was in touch with Harold Weisberg
Carver Gayton's testimonies to the Church committee and the HSCA
These two testimonies are diametrically opposite to each other
"I've become a student of American political assassinations" - Elmer Moore
FREE Download Ebook: Accessories After the Fact by Sylvia Meagher (PDF)
Elmer Moore was trying to establish the trajectories of the bullets
Elmer Moore himself might have come up with the magic bullet theory
Moore probably was the first cover-up guy in the JFK case
Moore told Gochenaur that JFK was Russia's man
"We got that goddamm lying nigger" - Moore talking about Abraham Bolden
"......Kelly and the Chief did (got him)"
Neither the HSCA nor the ARRB contacted Gochenaur
Part B: Benjamin Cole; beginning at 1:20:18
Article: The Strange, Strange Story of Governor Connally’s Shirt & Coat and Congressman Henry B. Gonzalez by Cole
Watch all 50 episodes of 50 Reasons for 50 Years
Article: The Death of the Tumbling Magic-Bullet Theory by Benjamin Cole
The bullet passing through Governor John Connally
The Mannlicher–Carcano fired a 6.5mm bullet
Was the bullet tumbling when it entered Gov Connally?
Dr. Shaw was of the opinion that the bullet entering Connally was not tumbling
There is no evidence that the bullet was tumbling
Dr. Shaw personally performed 900 surgeries during world war two (shrapnel and bullet wounds)
Connally's wife said that she had washed her husband's shirt in cold water
Spectrographic analysis of the shirt failed to find any metallic traces
FREE Borrowable Ebook: The Last Investigation by Gaeton Fonzi
Book: The Assassinations co-edited by Jim DiEugenio & Lisa Pease: Paperback, Kindle
The CIA was and is most suspect in regards to the JFK assassination