Our wellbeing, as Black women, has been heightened especially because of rona and Black bodies being killed too consistently. Yet we're still expected to show up as superwomen in all the places we occupy space even when we're exhausted mentally, emotionally, and physically. Lest we forget corporations are now acting like black is in, as if we'll ever go out of style, and wanting to include us in more spaces calling it diversity and inclusion. 

It was a no brainer when I was introduced to Britteny's story, who affectionately goes by the name Trap Yoga Bae. On her own journey to wellness and happiness, she studied and practiced yoga eventually putting her own spin on it. She curated a space for us to be our authentic selves, namaste, twerking, and all. From her Trap Tribe to her Ratchet Affirmations, Trap Yoga Bae has built a community and brand on showing up whole. She and I wax poetic about her journey, the power in our voices, insight for other Black women wanting to get in the wellness space, and my remix to the game F**k, Marry, Kill, which I called Sex, Marry, and Throw Away. 

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