"To know various fraud schemes is important when implementing counter measures against it. During this session, the presenter will show the latest online fraud schemes. Vulnerable Internet users could easily be captured in the traps of which set up by criminals who take increasingly sophisticated online fraud schemes such as Phising and One Click Fraud. In this session, we will show the latest online fraud schemes.

Mr. Hoshizawa joined Symantec in 1998, took a position in charge of security research, correspondence to new viruses, and collection and analysis of vulnerability information as the Asia Pacific regional manager of the Symantec Security Response. He has established himself as a top class virus researcher in Japan, and has been contributing to many IT related publications about computer security. Moreover, he gave talks at the various international conference such as Virus Bulletin, EICAR, and AVAR, on the subject of security issues. After leaving Symantec in September 2004, he joined Secure Brain Corporation and took a charge of the present position since October 2004."