"The U.S. Government has mandated that its organizations be IPv6-compliant by June 30, 2008. The Japanese government has already missed more than one IPv6 deadline. But while we can argue about specific dates for compliance and deployment, there is no question but that your organization must begin to prepare for the next generation Internet, and it should start today. This presentation is based on wide-ranging, in-depth research, including interviews with the top thinkers on the most crucial issues surrounding the sleeping giant known as IPv6. It will give you the facts you need in order to plan for what may be difficult times ahead. The tactical, down-in-the-weeds take on IPv6 will be examined in detail. This presentation will provide the Black Hat Japan audience with a myriad of technical details to inform them of the challenges that await their organizations as they attempt to keep pace not only with their government mandates, but also with economic competitors from around the world. The Black Hat audience will also learn how hackers will exploit this new technology, and how to stop black hats from taking advantage of the necessarily long-lasting, heterogeneous environment that will be required during the transition to IPv6.
Believe it or not, many nation-states view IPv6 as crucial to their national security plans for the future. This presentation will make stops at the White House, Tokyo, Beijing, and Red Square, and cover in detail the most current v6 research and deployment events in East Asia. It will discuss how, if some governments get their way, most members of the Black Hat audience could well lose their last byte of anonymity on the Internet. The corporate side of Internet addressing will also be addressed: what do the Xbox, IPTV, and the number of beers I have left in my fridge at home have in common? Answer: IPv6!"