Morgana finds a powerful ally in the Southron warlord Helios. Together they hatch the perfect plan to force Camelot to its knees. With the kingdom - and Arthur - preoccupied by the arrival of the beautiful Princess Mithian, it falls to an absent friend to raise the alarm: Guinevere. However, with past wounds still raw, can love really conquer all? Or is a deadly arrow destined to fly straight into the heart of Camelot?
Scorecard: 9.6/10

With Morgana at the helm of a vast Southron army, a deadly net is closing in around Camelot. When the sorceress strikes, the ferocity of her attack forces everyone to run for their lives, even Arthur. However, Morgana won't let him escape that easily. Can Merlin save the King from Morgana's clutches, or has Arthur's luck finally run out?

Scorecard: 7.2/10

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