Please join us Sunday as we discuss White Christian America and their refusal to put an end to racism in America. This is the first installment on a series specifically talking about White Christian America's willful ignorance, tacit & overt agreement with racism, being complicit with the systemic racism perpetuated by the powers that be, and misguided anger.


It's not's me. really is you, but I was trying to spare your feelings. I have come to the realization that we have to part ways. If this is your way of showing love, please hate me. Not really sure how much more I can take. I tried, but failed miserably trying to ind some common ground. The only solution that will work is or me to walk away. Trying to convince you that people of color in America are suffering because you refuse to acknowledge and dismantle white supremacy is an exercise in futility. Until you can take responsibility and acknowledge your role in perpetually oppressing people of color, we have nothing else to discuss. I am tired of running in circles and getting nowhere.