Dear America:

So much to say, but so little time. White America is in an uproar.  They have finally elected a President who is actually doing what he said that he would do. They didn't really mind the hateful rhetoric that was spewed at marginalized communities as long as he allowed hem to maintain their white privilege.  To keep things fair and balanced, he is sharing some of the love with the white community and they don't like it.  Leave their birth control and abortions alone!!

White women thought that the President was just making small talk when he stated that he would go after Planned Parenthood, Roe vs. Wade, equal pay for equal work, etc.  He told you exacly what he was going to do and you didn't believe him.  Now you want us to march with you to protest the injustice.  When Black women pushed back, you clutched your pearls, called us ungrateful bitches, and (as usual) blamed us for everything that went wrong. We are used to this type of behavior from yu and this is why we disregard those white tears.  Your white fragility is going to get us killed.

White America, will you be there when they come for us? Will you be there cheering them on as they persecute us for not working for free, or subjecting ourselves to your abuse and exploitation, or sitting in the cut saying nothing because you're afraid that they will come after you next.  They will come after you and there will be no one there to stand up for you.

How many of you are going to stand with us as they implement a new war on drugs, crime, etc.?  Jeff Sessions is chomping at the bit to incarcerate as many of us as possible.  Will you be taking pictures to put in your photo album talking about the good old days?