As Russian troops continue the build up on Ukraine’s border some people are suggesting Germany toughen their rhetoric and policies. But even Ukrainian President Zelensky has asked the Biden administration to tone it down, so what’s the move?

The history of these nations is as hard as it gets, with a brutal invasion of the Soviet Union by Germany during WWII leaving millions of dead soldiers and civilians between them, followed by a long occupation of East Germany by the Kremlin. These experiences still weigh heavy on the world and on the relationship between the two countries.

To get a better sense of the domestic conversation in Germany, Black Diplomats host Terrell Starr welcomes Sarah Pagung from the German Council on Foreign Relations and Janis Kluge from the German Institute for International and Security Affairs in Berlin, Germany.

If peace is going to be maintained it may be up to the new German administration to turn down the heat because the gun runners in Washington are doing what they do best: stoking the market.

Thanks for listening!