William Rhoden, author of "Forty Million Dollar Slaves", discusses the impact of integration - both positive and negative - on the Black community, the legacy of Negro Leagues baseball, and the role of the Black Press in breaking baseball's color barrier.

Follow Bob Kendrick on Twitter - https://twitter.com/nlbmprez

Visit the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum in Kansas City - https://nlbm.com

Read "Forty Million Dollar Slaves" by William Rhoden - https://amzn.to/3OsuLv2

Interview with Bob Feller courtesy of the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, at the University of Kentucky. For more information, visit https://www.kentuckyoralhistory.org

Follow Bob Kendrick on Twitter/X - @nlbmprez


Follow Bob Kendrick on Instagram - @nlbmprez


To support the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum and preserve the legacy of Buck O'Neil, please visit ThanksAMillionBuck.com


Visit the Negro Leagues Baseball Museum in Kansas City - NLBM.com


See and Support the Dream of the NEW Negro Leagues Baseball Museum - Pitch for the Future

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