Considering the number of co-hosts who have joined me on this podcast who discovered this series through a bonkers panel hosted by historical romance novelist Sarah MacLean, I had to have her on the podcast. The podcast just wouldn't be complete without it.

In this episode, we talk about our very, very French heroine, Marlene, and her shy beau, Zennek. We also discuss the appeal of bonkers books, the future of the Ice Planet tribe and the genius of Ruby Dixon's world-building.

This is the last episode for this batch (er, season?) before the podcast goes on hiatus. It's been such a treat to talk about sex, love, romance, trauma, survival and horny blue aliens with all of my co-hosts and listeners.

This is a repost of episode seventeen of the Ice Planet Podcast covering Barbarian's Seduction. Originally published on June 30, 2020.