This is a heavy one, friends, so get the tissues ready. Andrea, from the Shelf Love Podcast joins me for a discussion of Barbarian's Hope.

We were impressed by all the emotional work Asha and Hemalo did to reconnect following their break up. Healthy conversations? Had 'em. Avoidance behavior? Called it out. Grief? Dealt with, but not minimized, in a productive manner. We stan a mentally healthy resonance couple.

Heads up, readers: Both the book and this episode deal with the loss of a child. Please be aware and listen with caution, if needed.

Things get even more out of this world in next week's episode, when Melody from the Heaving Bosoms podcast joins me to discuss Barbarian's Choice.

This is a repost of episode two of the Ice Planet Podcast covering Barbarian's Hope. Originally published on March 17, 2020.