We are talking sigil magic this time with the wonderful anarchawitch herself, a 20 year old nonbinary trans girl from the Pacific southwest, she is a hacker and an eclectic Wiccan Taoist witch here to talk with us about sigil magic.

Chaos magic is but one form of sigil work she lays down, and this episode makes a perfect companion piece to the RevLeft episode on post-structualism and post-modernism as it illustrates the theory that shaped the early writers laying down chaos magic(k).

Song credit: ACAB by Anarchawitch

She povides a video library for all kinds of great anarchist propaganda videos via her YouTube. She is a member of the Trans and Non-binary Socialist Association found on Twitter @TransSocialists

The game Hardcoded got her into practical witchcraft and the website is found here:


"Hardcoded is an open-world dating-sim, set in the lawless reaches of a cyberpunk dystopia, in which you take on the role of a thinking/learning droid who has recently escaped her owners and is on the run. Before you can fully settle into your new life, it becomes obvious that Pira City is a place of dark and dangerous secrets. Fortunately, you're able to befriend a cast of very horny characters who seek your aid in pursuing a shadowrun-style investigation. You can spend your down time trying to establish yourself, by earning money, decorating your apartment, buying clothes, collecting sci-fi dildos, or working on turning friendships into romances."

!!!This game is very explicit! There are many dicks in this game! Most of them are attached to girls!!!"

@anarchawitch_on Twitter

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