Welcome to 2019, you made it!

Announcement number one: I am scaling back the show from weekly to every other week, plus a Patreon exclusive episode. That's 2 regular and one bonus episode. But there is a new Patreon tier which includes a weekly card reading from me on the Weird Left discord voice chat.

A content warning about this episode up top. Between the 2:50-6:14 mark, I address sexual assault and the predatory issues that surfaced about a repeat guest to this show, Dr Bones. If sexual assault, emotional abuse, or abuse of power by leaders is triggering for you please skip ahead or have a support system in place when listening.

1 800 656 HOPE (4673)

Sexual abuse survivor resources.

  This episode is primarily about Perchta the witch of Epiphany in the Alps region. Perchta represents the duality of humanity; kindness and gratitude, and deserved retaliation when crossed. January 5th is the eve of Epiphany; January 6 is Epiphany or Three Kings Day in Catholicism.

Most of the information I quote from Dr. Molly Carter's doctoral thesis titled Perchten and Krampusse: Living Mask Traditions in Austria and Bavaria

[pdf] http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/14431/

Become a Patreon of Black Banner Magic patreon.com/blackbannermagic

Twitter: @blackbannerpod
Email: [email protected]

2/3rds of every dollar raised through this Patreon will go to the Omaha Freedom Fund! community bail fund. As a member of the Revolutionary Left Radio federation of podcasts, Black Banner Magic records in the RevLeft bunker, and the last 1/3rd goes into studio and engineering costs.
More info about OFF! can be found on omahafreedomfund.wordpress.com or on twitter @omahabail