Charlie Wyseman and Snakebird Sean are anticapitalist magick weirdos from the dirt fields of West Virginia. Their pantheistic practice has roots in Haitian Vodou, Cuban Santeria, as well as Egyptian Kamet, mystical Buddhism, Conjure, Kabbalah, pre-European tree worship, and that olde time grandma magick passed down through generations all over the world.

Sean and Charlie run a program called Mutual Aid Magick, providing magick powders, jar spells, recipes, and more to leftists of all stripes free of charge.

Follow Charlie @scumbagleftist and Sean @seansnakebird, follow their project @aidmagickal. To see the recipes for the powder and jar spells we discuss, check out

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2/3rds of every dollar raised through this Patreon will go to the Omaha Freedom Fund! community bail fund. As a member of the Revolutionary Left Radio federation of podcasts, Black Banner Magic records in the RevLeft bunker, and the last 1/3rd goes into studio and engineering costs. More info about OFF! can be found on or on twitter @omahabail