Jake Flores sent a reportback from the hex on Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh at Catland Books, an occult bookstore in his Bushwich Brooklyn neighborhood.

To see Jake Flores on his stand-up tours, visit his website: http://www.feraljokes.com

Follow him on Twitter @FeralJokes, @MrCleoPod, & @PodDamnAmerica

At the 16:22 mark of the beast, I talk to Dr Bones about his charity work with Ouija Boards for Kids, a foundation that provides children the tools to contact the dead. Call 510 606 8452 to receive your free Ouija board. Bulk rush orders available for educators!

Dr. Bones' poltergasmic politics and gonzo journalism can be found at Gods & Radicals and The Conjure House. He is the author of the book Curse the State, Hex Your Boss, Take Back the World.

Dr. Bones is the co-host of The Guillotine with Breht of Revolutionary Left Radio and is on twitter @ole_bonsey

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2/3rds of every dollar raised through this Patreon will go to the Omaha Freedom Fund! community bail fund. As a member of the Revolutionary Left Radio federation of podcasts, Black Banner Magic records in the RevLeft bunker, and the last 1/3rd goes into studio and engineering costs.
More info about OFF! can be found on omahafreedomfund.wordpress.com or on twitter @omahabail

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