Evyn and Thom from Satanhaus, and Alib Gibarra from Order of the Eight join me to discuss the art house documentary produced by The Satanic Temple aptly titled Hail Satan?

I'm not a Satanist despite what the reply guys on Twitter say, so I am glad to have bona fide Satanists, one being a former TST member, to give some inside perspective on this documentary and the broader Satanic world view. We talk perceptions, actions, Satanic music, and arming the left.

Follow @satanhaus to see some of their activism work, such as attending a Christian hoax exorcist conference hosted by Bob Larson, a premier Satanic Panic huckster and author.

Follow Alib on Twitter @orderoftheeight and listen to his podcast Lean Dungeon LeanDungeon.com & @theleandungeon.

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2/3rds of every dollar raised through this Patreon will go to the Omaha Freedom Fund! community bail fund. As a member of the Revolutionary Left Radio federation of podcasts, Black Banner Magic records in the RevLeft studio, and the last 1/3rd goes into recording and engineering costs.
More info about OFF! can be found on omahafreedomfund.wordpress.com or on twitter @omahabail


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