Ella D. Curry hosts the 15th Black Books Weekend Opening Ceremony

Listen to the Black Books Weekend Opening Ceremony - http://tobtr.com/s/12289058


Follow Our Black Books Weekend Events

Black Books Weekend - Day 1:  Fiction, Poetry, Romance, Thriller Books - http://tobtr.com/12289060

Black Books Weekend - Day 2:  Business Discussions with Entrepreneurs & Creators - http://tobtr.com/12289061

Black Books Weekend - Day 3:  Non-fiction/Self-help/Motivational/Children's Books - http://tobtr.com/12289063

Black Books Weekend - Day 4:  Crown Holders Celebrity Spotlight and Giveaways -  http://tobtr.com/12289067


Black Books Weekend is an annual event that plays a pivotal role in the literary community. It brings together thousands of individuals from various walks of life. These participants dedicate their time and resources to presenting society with great books that have the potential to uplift and inspire our communities.

Despite the abundance of outstanding literary projects and talented authors, many do not receive the attention and support they rightfully deserve. Black Books Weekend aims to address this gap in recognition and appreciation. The event serves as a platform for introducing amazing authors to readers, ensuring that deserving works get the spotlight they need to reach a wider audience.

This initiative is more than just a celebration of books; it's a movement towards enriching our communities with diverse voices and stories. Black Books Weekend is committed to making a difference by highlighting the works of authors who bring valuable perspectives and narratives to the forefront of our society.