This week we sat down with Dwight Rhinosoros, of Eat The Rich Podcast. Eat The Rich is a show about our political economy, late stage capitalism, and the millionaires, billionaires, and multinational corporations hell bent on staving off it’s death rattle.

Eat The Rich is a podcast about our political economy, late stage capitalism, and the millionaires, billionaires, and multinational corporations hell bent on staving off it’s death rattle.

We are the Brooklyn Combine, a non-profit community organization. We work with schools, community organizations, and dedicated city officials to help provide mentorship, critical education, leadership, and social support programs to youth and young adults in low-income and underserved communities.

1. Two Oldtimers - Moebius & Plank
2. Young and Fine - Weather Report
3. Bright Moments - Rahsaan Roland Kirk

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