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Lee Mein is from Lethbridge, Alberta Ca. He teaches Jiu-Jitsu and kickboxing to kids and adults.  He has a black belt in American Kenpo Karate, a black belt in Bas Rutten's MMA system, and a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under Roy Harris.

We talk about:

His background in martial arts
His MMA promotion Rumble in the Cage
The importance of confidence for law enforcement
Dealing with bullies
Training as you get older
Why he enjoys competing
His son Jordan Mein that is fighting in the UFC
What they teach in the kids class
Keeping training fun
Doing BJJ and MMA
How he warms up his body before competing
The mental aspect of fighting and training
Training on a limited schedule and setting goals

Lee on Facebook

Quote of the week: 1) "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." 2) “Baseball is 90 percent mental. The other half is physical.” Yogi Berra

Article of the week: The Four "D's" of Success, My Experience At Polaris 2 By  The Bjj Mental Coach

Catch us next week for another episode of The BjjBrick Podcast