Ok, so this may not have been the Bizzong! show you were expecting. That is to say this is not the big Bizzong! Live from Scares That Care show. Not exactly. The audio from the live recording didn't come out all that spectacular so Mr. Frank is cobbling together the listenable parts and including a full on interview with one of the participants of the live recording, John Wayne Comunale.

John Wayne has a bunch of new stuff going on so it was time to get him back on the show anyway. So welcome back past guest John Wayne Comunale where we talk about our Scare That Cares Charity Weekend experiences and dig into all the new goodies John Wayne has for you Zongers to devour.

Making lemondade out of lemons is what its all about this episode Zongers. So grab a fan and rocking chair and lets get down-home Comunale to chill out with.