In 1950, the first credit card ever was the Diners Club. In 1958, Bank of America launched the BankAmericard and the means of payment was transformed overnight. In fact, I recall that when I lived in Las Vegas, my mother was in relationship with a man who had the responsibility of bringing the BankAmericard to the Las Vegas Casino's. I remember that when Hank Aarron hit his momentous home run, it sailed right over the billboard on the outfield wall, this was a blow up of the BankAmericard. Now, ask yourself a question. Do you see the BankAmericard today??? Well, YES you do. It just happens to be a company better known as VISA! I have another question, how would you like to have been a stockholder at the turn? Enough said. You as a small business owner, know the world of merchant/credit card processing because you see the fee's that are deducted at point of purchase and the fee's have been rising as we speak. I will take a moment to say here, this is NOT a Merchant Processing show but I am making a point. Companies, like VISA generate, Billion's of dollars of revenue from the fee income that they charge the merchants who are dependent on this form of cash flow because almost 100 percent of transactions today are either by credit/debit cards. Now, that I have set the stage with something you KNOW, I will introduce you to a new TWIST on the VISA world of commerce that now enrich's you the Small Business with a revenue share of fee's that were off limits and sacrosanct to the banking industry. Am I saying that Chase, B of A or Wells Fargo has now decided to become overly generous and share the wealth with you the business owner. No, I am saying that your local Community Banks who are issuers of a VISA Card platform have decided to partner with a Marketing Engine that is about to turn the heads of consumers, businesses and merchants as never before or most likely ever will. Today, I am joined by one of the principals of this rapidly emerging firm and we will be delving into the financial world he is about to create what will certainly put a BuzZ back into YOUR BizZne$$ and a Big Smile on your customer's faces.