Management. It's a HUGE word. But in Business, it's not only essential, it's vital. I have said many, many times that unless you can seriously Forecast both Revenue's and Expenses before you even get started in any enterprise, don't even get out of bed! All businesses need help! The problem is that sometimes PRIDE or our own EGO's get in the way and we don't realize that there are resources and expertise beyond our years and they are willing and able to help us through some difficult and challenging times. A well worn book says it best. In the multitude of counselors, there is wisdom. What is wisdom? Knowledge applied. Are we at times in our businesses Know It All's? I will admit that I have crossed that line many times and have regretted later doing so. His clients appreciate his wisdom, understanding that his expertise helps them grow their businesses and increase their profit margins. Uncover the intricate connection between emotional intelligence, often referred to as soft skills, and achieving remarkable business success. Prepare to be amazed as my guest unveils his groundbreaking creation, Mind Sequencing – The Thinker's Meditation, born from his profound introspective journey spanning over half a century. Gain exclusive insights into this transformative program that has captivated minds worldwide. Don't miss this opportunity to revolutionize your business and unlock your true potential on Bizzine$$ Buzz! Tune in now Today, on my show, my guest has made a career of someone being there when he is most needed. I think you find his many years of exxperience invaluable and worth your time to listen in.