Join Frank Helring and Ninon de Vere de Rosa, the dynamic business duo behind BizZne$$ BuzZandBizZne$$ Watch, for an introspective and alarming live talk show that's a compelling call to action. Title: BizZne$$ BuzZ & BizZne$$ Watch When: Wednesdays at 10 AM Pacific Time on Business Channel Description: In the world of small business, the challenges are profound and enduring. Since the tumultuous events of 2008, small businesses have been grappling with adversity. The NFIB 2015 Report revealed a staggering 14.2 percent loss of brick-and-mortar businesses by 2015. The culprits? Internet giants like Amazon and eBay, who have been siphoning away customers and profits, leaving small businesses squeezed and struggling. The promise of B2B networking groups and social media often falls short. What's the antidote to the e-commerce onslaught? It's UNITY, RELATIONSHIP, and the Law of RECIPROCITY. This is the competitive edge that defies imitation. The perfect storm of COVID-19 disruptions, featuring shutdowns, customer distancing, financial uncertainty, has added to their woes. Our mission is to offer your business the boost it needs. We aim to help you rekindle your personal vision, reinvigorate your operations, and provide a platform that champions your interests. On today's show, BizZne$$ BuzZ delves into the experiences of two business owners in Nevada, specifically Las Vegas, who bore the brunt of the COVID-19 debacle. One is an Event Planner, while the other is a restaurant chain owner with establishments in Nevada and California. What sets the latter apart is that they're running for Congress, aiming to move beyond talk and into action at the highest levels of influence. Tune in as we take you behind the scenes in Las Vegas, unveiling the challenges faced by this iconic city before, during, and after the pandemic that temporarily extinguished the lights in the world's most entertainment-oriented city. BizZne$$ BuzZ & BizZne$$ Watch is your platform for change and transformation in the small business world.