Jo Lewis is a Certified Pendulum Teacher and Energetic Breakthrough Method Practitioner®.

Jo teaches spiritual female business owners how to access their inner magic through personal and spiritual development. Drilling down into your old patterns, beliefs, and programming, finding out what you need to change and adapt for your success and highest good.

Jo knows what it’s like to struggle with feeling stuck and lost in life. As a virtual assistant for over 6 years Jo was consumed by her ever-growing client base and everything she did, all day every day, was about them and she burnt out repeatedly. She lost who she was.

Jo is on a mission to help women that may have lost themselves or simply need some guidance and direction in life or business, by teaching them how to discover their magic within using a pendulum and energy work.

In this episode we discuss:

How everything is energy Why it is your responsibility to take care of your own energyWhy we don't have everything we want How a pendulum can help you identify what is going on in your life and business

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